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Digital Photography, digital projection, book

Yudhi Soerjoatmodjo

Yudhi Soerjoatmodjo studied photography in 1986 at the Parsons School of Design in Paris, France. In 1987, he began his career in Jakarta-Jakarta magazine, then in Tempo magazine. In 2002 – 2003, he took part in establishing and running the "i see" Foundation and Gallery, and currently working in British Council Indonesia as Art Manager. Several of his exhibitions, are: "The Loved Ones", Hotel Alila and Galeri Oktagon, Jakarta (2005); "Façade", GoetheHaus, Jakarta (2004); "Exploring Vacuum", Rumah Seni Cemeti, Yogyakarta (2003); and "Serendipity: Photography, Video, Experimental Film and Multimedia Installation from Asia", the Japan Foundation Forum, Tokyo (2000).

Living through images: it's an undeniable fact of our cultural and physical space. We learn about life—birth, death, love, war, history, and the future—from pictures in the papers, billboards, art gallery, the cinema, television, and the internet. Images have become so powerful, so meaningful, and omnipresent, we are completely lost within and without them. The image has become The Message and The Interpreter—readers be damned!

In Pimlico, I no longer record images to be raised as discussion matters like in my previous works. In this series, I am fully aware that I am daydreaming and actually looking. It's more or less as if we were riding a train, looking out the window, and drifting into a daydream. Suddenly we saw our own reflection on the window and realized that we were looking.

Hopefully, one would then start to ask a fundamental yet oft-ignored question: Why am I here, looking at these images? What am I looking at? What power is forcing me to look? (Artist's Statement)

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