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Kota Bertumpuk (Stacking City)
240 x 800 cm
Maquette, perspective image, sketches, narration

Sardjono Sani and Partners

Sardjono Sani was born on July 24, 1963. In 1987, he obtained his bachelor's degree in architecture from Parahyangan Catholic University. In 1990, he received his master's degree in architecture from the University of Colorado, Denver. He is currently the director and principal architectural designer of PT Bias Tekno Art Kreasindo.

Sardjono Sani's team for the CP Biennale 2005 consists of Agus Suci Wulandari, Budi Santosa, Lalitia Apsari, Deasy Puspitasari Manurung, Fajar Triantono, Ivana Lee, Nadia Primasanti, Sri Amalia, and Rera Annisa Putri.

Urbanity with all its apologies always puts personal interests, characters, choices, and colors on the back-seat. This is our starting mark. We try to appreciate the essential things lost in the urban space; we endeavor to propose a space that cares about the unique characters of each existing group and is open to constant mutation.

Let's imagine a complex consisting of blocks, lines, or stacks based on interests: the architects will dwell on the space they create; sculptors live in their works; painters stay in their paintings; and the religious leaders reside in the lines of their prayers. Each block will consist of small standard units; but due to individual rights, there are mutations in the units so that the block identity of each unit is infected. Amid this diversity, people with different professions and interests have similar perceptions about things such as greenery, air, water, soil, walls, and recreations.

Another thing invariably arising in the urban vicinity is the vertical stacking due to the maximal usage of urban land. As architects, we hope that this biennale will represent views on improvements. Nowadays, gray areas exist due to the lack of interests on the part of the formal institutions or governments in the things that are experiencing changes in values, order, perceptions; or in the undetected, mutated lives. (Sardjono Sani)

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