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Di Sini Akan Dibangun Mall
(Here a Mall Is to Be Built)
Dimensions vary
Digital photography, object, video documentary,
brochures, questionnaires


KERUPUK (Komunitas Peduli Ruang Publik Kota or literally the Community that Cares for the Urban Public Space) is a small community born in 2003, due to a concern about the increasingly marginalized public space. One of the activities of the community was the Public Art Project, “Di Sini Akan Dibangun Mall” (or Here a Mall Is to Be Built), on October 11 – 13, 2004. The motors of the KERUPUK community are (alphabetically): Agus Leonardus (photographer), Ahmad Husni MD (lawyer), Anggi Minarni (director of Karta Pustaka and KERUPUK coordinator), Bernie Liem (lecturer of German), Dambung Lamuara Jaya (urban planner), Dwita Hadi Rahmi (architect and lecturer at the Department of Architecture, Gadjah Mada University), Hermanu (Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta coordinator), Kus Indarto (art curator), Laretna T. Adhisakti (architect, chairperson of Jogja Heritage Society), Ong Harry Wahyu (graphic designer), Samuel Indratma (artist), Suwarno Wisetrotomo (curator, art lecturer at the ISI Yogyakarta), Yuswantoro Adi (painter).

The work basically tends to “present problems” (instead of artistry), especially those related to the problematics of public spaces. The inspiration for the work originated from the Public Art Project, “Di Sini Akan Dibangun Mall” (or Here a Mall Is to Be Built), a critical response toward the policy of the Local Government of Yogyakarta to build malls around the city.

The public art project, “Di Sini Akan Dibangun Mall,” betrays the characteristic complexity of the urban/culture problem: how Yogyakarta, with a string of labels as a city of culture, a city of students, or a city of education, at the end uses the same approach as other cities. It turns out that the Local Government of Yogyakarta still feel the need to signify modernity by building malls. The project shows the two-way problems between the sacred (and traditional) and the (considered) modern.

Di Sini Akan Dibangun Mall is a result of observations, interactions, reflections, and the condensation of thoughts that have arisen ever since the group has responded to the myriad problems of the public space. Di Sini Akan Dibangun Mall betrays the group's commitment to keep on voicing critical opinions regarding public space problems. (Artist’s Statement)

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