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This group consists of: Rudi Mantofani (born: 1973 in Padang); Handiwirman (born: 1975 in Bukittinggi); Junadi Alfi (born: 1973 in Lintau); Yusra Martunus (born: 1973 in Padang Panjang); Yunizar (born: 1971 in Talawi). They all came from West Sumatra and studied in Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI), Yogyakarta.

In art study, there is still a strong belief that any form of art is a text that contains meaning. Hence, the reading of artwork as text always includes two important things. First, the study of expression carrying the message enveloping the contents or meanings. Second, content analysis embodying the search of meaning connected to the values, reality reading, and thoughts. This reading of text considers the context and narrations.

The works of Jendela do not present such text. The works of this group consciously evade the reading of text that tends to search for meaning. This tendency is seen in their effort to dismiss the big questions in their works. Objects in their work are “thrown away” stuffs and the “unimportants.” In exhibitions, the stuffs are presented “marginally.” This way the artists of Jendela seem to blockade the search for meaning, stepping away from the search toward the context of expressions.

The refusal against meanings in the artworks of Jendela is balanced by the diligent effort in processing the visual idioms. All of their works show careful crafting. With this appearance their work can be seen as independent visual texts. The question is, is there any meaning behind this text?

In a condition dominated by the regime of techno-industrial signs, there is a big hindrance in searching the values through textual thoughts and narrations. In the urban life, the visual sign produced by mass media has become dominant representations in building the diverse myths, which no longer have space for meaning. In such condition, the visual world is a small window left where we can search for meanings freed from the domination of those techno-industrial signs. Imagine if the beauty of the billboards—many have been processed in earnest and creative spirits—that has been a potential means to deliver messages, is freed from the advertising meanings. (Jim Supangkat)

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