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Simultaneous Translation in Understanding
Contemporary Art

Thursday, September 4, 2003
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. - The National Gallery Seminar Room

The international symposium of the CP Open Biennale 2003 is questioning the development of the international contemporary art as an idea, which involves the practices of interactions, communications, and collaborations that are open to the many developments in the art world.

The international art forums since the 1980s in Africa, South America, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific, need constant evaluations. The forums evolve and some of them claim to exist as a reaction of the growth of the dominant mainstream art in Europe and the US. The crux of the problem is not about the need for counter-forums, but more about the effort to give room to the entire development of the international arts. Have the existing international forums satisfactorily reflected the growth of ointernational arts,o especially those existing outside the Western traditions?

The materials for the International Symposium of the CP Open Biennale 2003 are composed by inviting various parties who have long been involved in the development of regional and international arts. The presentations and discussions are divided into analyses of theoretical matters and of the practices of contemporary arts. Speakers in the symposium are, among others, Kuroda Raiji (from the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum of Japan), Oscar Ho (art critic from Hong Kong, China), Els van der Plas (from the Netherlands), and Christine Clark (from Australia).


   Re-Identification of International Art (Jim Supangkat)

   Untitled (Kuroda Raiji)

   Modernization of China and the making of "Modern Art" (Oscar Ho)

   Inner Conflict (Akira Tatehata)

   Internationalism and Art (Els van der Plas)

   Ensuring Spaces Don't Fall Off (Christine Clark)